Picture of the author live coding

I also do some public speaking from time to time, sometimes at meetups, sometimes at conferences, sometime at corporate events. I try to minimize the amount of slides - nothing like IDE live-action.

Here are a few examples of my talks. I can give variants of these, and other talks, at events or meetups, so feel free to ping me or send me an invite !


They've said nice things

Hi Daniel,

I just wanted to say thanks for the perfect talk on Spring Security during Devoxx Belgium 2022. Personally I think you are better at live-coding while talking than Venkat. Explaining the concepts, and showing how to find them inside Spring Security was very clear and will help me implement more proper security practices in the Spring applications for my daily job.

Thanks, kind regards,
- Hidde Wieringa



je voulais juste te laisser un message pour te dire que je viens de regarder ton talk sur Spring Security Devoxx FR, c'est de loin pas le 1er que je regarde, mais de loin le meilleur. J'ai compris énormément de choses sur le fonctionnement du framework (filtres et providers), merci beaucoup!

- Xavier Kress


Hello Daniel

I attended yesterday's VoxxedDays and I wanted to tell you that the talk you held about spring-security was very good. Good pace and I had a good understanding.

You showed us very nice insights with very good examples [...].

- Moritz Wirth


Hi Daniel,

I followed your workshop for spring security a couple of weeks ago at the J-fall preconference which I really enjoyed.

Just wanted to let you know I had to set up spring security with keycloak today for a project and it was a breeze! Understood very well what was going on and what to configure where, so your workshop was super helpful!

Just wanted to let you know and thank you for the great workshop! Keep up the good work ;)

Kind regards,